Work in progress... Minimilize the number of services running: Bare number of active start scripts on Solaris 8 for a DMZ server: For files found that are NOT on the below list simple mv them to a new name starting with "_". e.g. # mv /etc/rc2.d/S90wbem /etc/rc2.d/_S90wbem rc2.d: # ls /etc/rc2.d | grep -v "_" | grep -v "K" | grep -vi readme S00set-tmp-permissions S01MOUNTFSYS S05RMTMPFILES S07set-tmp-permissions S20sysetup S21perf S69inet S70nddconfig S71nddset S72inetsvc S74syslog S75cron S75flashprom S75savecore S76nscd S77sshd S88utmpd S89bdconfig S94ncalogd S95lvm.sync S95ncad S98efcode S99audit rc3.d: # ls /etc/rc3.d | grep -v "_" | grep -v "K" | grep -vi readme S99acct