#!/bin/csh -f # File Saver version 1.1 by Kevin Korb kmk@crc.com. # Takes a file and saves it in a backup directory according to who # is running the program. #Check for help setenv HELP "no" if ($1 == "-h") setenv HELP "yes" if ($1 == "--help") setenv HELP "yes" if ($HELP == "yes") then echo File Saver version 1.1 by Kevin Korb kmk@crc.com. exec echo "Usage: save [filename]" endif # Figure out who is running me setenv USER root setenv USER `who am i | awk -F! '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'` # Find out if I was right about who is running me. If not, ask. if ($USER == "root") then echo "Enter initials" setenv USER `head -1` endif # Make sure that there is no files in the way if -e old if ! -e old/ exec echo ERROR: A file called old exists. I need this name for a directory. if -e old/$1 if ! -e old/$1/ exec echo ERROR: A file called old/$1 exists. I need this name for a directory. # Check for old and name of file if ! -e old/ mkdir old if ! -e old/$1/ mkdir old/$1 # Find the last number to use in the file name setenv NUM 1 setenv FOUNDNUM "no" while ($FOUNDNUM == "no") if ! -e old/$1/$USER.$NUM then setenv FILENUM $NUM setenv FOUNDNUM "yes" endif @ NUM++ end # Copy the file echo "cp $1 old/$1/$USER.$FILENUM" cp $1 old/$1/$USER.$FILENUM