Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

November 27, 2020


Mermaid lets you represent diagrams using text and code.

Graphviz (dot) examples
Mind Map with Python
Visualize a clickable graph in an HTML page
Intro to Mindmap, Gantt Chart, Graphviz
Make a Mindmap with Python and Graphviz
Cotoami, an Experimental Note-taking App Focusing on Connecting
Asciidoctor Diagram

Asciidoctor Diagram is a set of Asciidoctor extensions that enable you to add diagrams, which you describe using plain text, to your AsciiDoc document.

Graphviz: improve a mind map
Graphviz-based mindmap with Tomboy
Solarized mindmaps with Python and graphviz
Describe your diagrams with a simple text language and automatically generate an image you can export.

You love diagrams but don't want to spend time positioning elements.

Your diagram keeps evolving, you want the layout to re-adjust automatically.

You prefer to describe your diagrams with an intuitive text description.

TiddlyMap Basics - Part I - Creating a Simple Concept Map to Link Your Wiki Topics