30 private links
Bruce Daisley was previously Twitter's most senior employee outside of the United States, in his role of Vice President across Europe, Middle East and Africa. He joined the company in 2012 having previously run YouTube UK at Google. He has also worked in the magazine publishing and radio industries having got his first break by mailing a cartoon resume of his life to prospective employers. Bruce's passion for improving work led to him creating the podcast Eat Sleep Work Repeat on making work better. It became a number 1 smash in the UK (also hitting the business top 10 in the US).
The Joy of Work: 30 Ways to Fix Your Work Culture and Fall in Love with Your Job Again was the UK’s bestselling business hardback of 2019 and is now available as a paperback. The book has been translated into 13 languages and longlisted for Business Book of the Year 2020 and CMI Management book of the year 2020.
List of Broadcast, Fixed Broadcast, Studio-Transmitter Links (Feeders), Remote Pickup & Relay stations 25 - 87.5 MHz.
Figure R3 of 47 CFR 73.190 of the Commission’s Rules contains a map of the estimated effective ground conductivity in the United States. This data is used to predict the propagation of AM signals across the United States. A higher ground conductivity indicates better AM propagation characteristics. The map shows that the ground conductivity in the U.S. ranges between 0.5 and 30 millimhos (or millisiemens) per meter. The conductivity of seawater is 5,000 millimhos per meter, resulting in the best propagation of AM signals.
Figure R3 of 47 CFR 73.190 of the Commission’s Rules contains a map of the estimated effective ground conductivity in the United States. This data is used to predict the propagation of AM signals across the United States. A higher ground conductivity indicates better AM propagation characteristics. The map shows that the ground conductivity in the U.S. ranges between 0.5 and 30 millimhos (or millisiemens) per meter. The conductivity of seawater is 5,000 millimhos per meter, resulting in the best propagation of AM signals.
I make no claims for technical accuracy, good design, or necessarily even originality for the contents of these pages. Rather, I am a simple enthusiast attempting to convey my love and enjoyment of radio, electronics, and computing and perhaps to inspire YOU to build something too. The following pages document projects that I have built over a period of 30 years. Wherever applicable I have named sources and references.
Radio Hobbyist’s Designbook or RHdb (for short) was designed to guide you into design of
electronics apparatus that relates to radio. It assumes you know something about electronics
but you can skip Chapters which cover familiar subjects. Mathematics needed in design is down
to simple algebra and trigonometry. Topics cover the frequency spectrum of DC through VHF.
You must supply the brainpower. But RHdb can be your main reference, a guidance toreaching
your personal hobby goal. RHdb is written in a sort of Reader’s Digest format: Short and
to-the-point, covering things simply with a minimum of words. Grouping is in 5 sections as
givenbelow with a synopsis of Chapters
How to self host various services
Simple & Free Wiki Software
BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organizing and storing information.
A self-hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family.
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts.
Baïkal is a lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server. It offers an extensive web interface with easy management of users, address books and calendars. It is fast and simple to install and only needs a basic php capable server. The data can be stored in a MySQL or a SQLite database.
Baïkal allows to seamlessly access your contacts and calendars from every device. It is compatible with iOS, Mac OS X, DAVx5 on Android, Mozilla Thunderbird and every other CalDAV and CardDAV capable application. Protect your privacy by hosting calendars and contacts yourself - with Baïkal.
FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator.
It is lightweight, easy to work with, powerful, and customizable.
A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents.
Paperless-ngx is a document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper.
Paperless-ngx forked from paperless-ng to continue the great work and distribute responsibility of supporting and advancing the project among a team of people
A painless self-hosted Git service.
Privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine / pronunciation sɜːks.
A state of the art disk pooling application with file duplication.
Combines multiple physical hard drives into one large virtual drive.
Stores everything in standard NTFS (or ReFS) files.
Lets you designate any folder as a duplicated folder.
In case one drive fails, your duplicated files remain safe.
Easily select which disks will be used to store files in any folder.
Speed up your pool by placing performance sensitive files on SSDs.
Seamlessly encrypt and store some or all of your pooled files in the cloud.
Mistborn is your own virtual private cloud platform and WebUI that manages self hosted services, and secures them with firewall, Wireguard VPN w/ PiHole-DNSCrypt, and IP filtering. Optional SIEM+IDS. Supports 2FA, Nextcloud, Jitsi, Home Assistant,