30 private links
Source for Bearcat scanner crystals
Bearcat scanner crystal source
Your source for vintage and reproduction electronic items
Low jitter GPS-locked frequency clock source
1 Hz to 1.1 GHz output. This device outputs high purity signal with frequency locked to GPS
Custom cases and foam molded
Low jitter GPS-locked precision frequency reference
400 Hz to 810 MHz output
mini version
High quality, digital copies of manuals for obsolete test equipment
Out of date and hard to find technical manuals are our specialty
Welcome to TekWiki, a wiki for the community of Tektronix oscilloscope enthusiasts.
Here at our locally owned, brick-and-mortar business, we strive to create a warm, friendly environment for all of our customers. We always offer free coffee and the full extent of the knowledge to inspire and educate customers so they can see their ideas come to life. We're always more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding products or the project you're working on. Please stop by in-person to see the perks of buying from a real storefront!
Whether you need parts for work or play, you’ll find what you need at EPO. We deal extensively with basic components, wire, tools, connectors, surplus, project/educational kits, motors, robotics, micro-controllers, and hardware. We have vintage computer equipment, test equipment such as oscilloscopes, meters, power supplies and more! From typewriters to vintage film projectors and cameras we have it all.
We are a Dutch company and love exotic and obsolete electronics.
We service a global market that urges for vintage high quality products
while cheap inferior Chinese crap is trying to dominate. We only sell parts
from well known manufacturers that comply to specs you would expect
for a affordable price.
We keep our stock up-to-date by acquiring NOS parts out of insolvencies
and overstock. At the moment we have about 40,000 parts in stock within
2,000 product ranges.
A Raspberry Pi distribution to display one webpage in full screen. It includes Chromium out of the box and the scripts necessary to load it at boot. This repository contains the source script to generate the distribution out of an existing Raspbian distro image.
Crystal Set & One Tube Radio Plans Plans & Instructions
As one of the largest electronic component and power supply distributors, we take pride in offering customers a wide-ranging selection of in-stock products at competitive prices.
Computer parts and components
IT parts and components Distributor
From metrics to insight
Power your metrics and alerting with the leading
open-source monitoring solution.
SigNoz is an open-source observability platform native to OpenTelemetry with logs, traces and metrics in a single application. An open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool
In this post I want to give some love to an open-source project that I have discovered just a few months ago: SigNoz.
[Heath Paddock] wanted to confound his friends with a game that mimics an escape room in a box. About six months after starting, he had this glorious thing completed. It’s a hardware version of a game called Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes where players have five minutes to defuse a suitcase bomb. This implementation requires at least two players, one with the box-bomb itself, and one who holds all the knowledge but can’t see the box-bomb to defuse it.
There are plenty of hobbies around with huge price tags, and ham radio can certainly be one of them. Experienced hams might have radios that cost thousands of dollars, with huge, steerable antennas on masts that can be similarly priced. But there’s also a side to the hobby that throws all of this out of the window in favor of the simplest, lowest-cost radios and antennas that still can get the job done. Software-defined radio (SDR) turned this practice up to 11 as well, and this radio module uses almost nothing more than a microcontroller to get on the air.
The design uses the capabilities of the Raspberry Pi Pico to handle almost all of the radio’s capabilities. The RF oscillator is driven by one of the Pico’s programmable I/O (PIO) pins, which takes some load off of the processor. For AM and SSB, where amplitude needs to be controlled as well, a PWM signal is generated on another PIO which is then mixed with the RF oscillator using an analog multiplexer. The design also includes a microphone with a preamplifier which can be fed into a third PIO; alternatively it can receive audio from a computer via the USB interface. More processor resources are needed when generating phase-modulated signals like RF, but the Pico is still quite capable of doing all of these tasks without jitter larger than a clock cycle.
Stream-Pi runs on multiple platforms; Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS and Linux. This also includes ARM Systems like Raspberry Pi.
How to Build a Raspberry Pi Pico-Powered Stream Deck Keypad
Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding
Remote switches and loggers
These switch kits are the output from an effort to keep myself busy while on COVID-19 lockdown. I originally intended to just teach myself how to program and interface with various types of microcontrollers (PIC, Arduino, etc.). So, I bought several of the newbie training kits off of eBay and went to town. After exhausting all the built-in exercises, I went looking for a project where I could use my new-found knowledge.
I had owned an Ameritron RCS-12 remote antenna switch for many years and had always wondered how they selected antennas by simply pushing a momentary pushbutton switch. After opening up the controller, my suspicions were confirmed that a microcontroller was at the heart of the design. So, I decided to attempt to recreate the unit’s features that I used most as a breadboard project.
Use these plans to make a simple seismometer; build a sun photometer to make accurate measurements of the atmosphere; study rain, lightening, and sunlight; and build a wide variety of lightwave and radio communication circuits. This is a compilation of three of Mims's best-selling notebooks: Science Projects; Environmental Projects; and Communication projects.
The purpose of this wiki is to preserve and present information about the development and use of Linux in embedded systems as well as open source projects and tools for general embedded development. To use this wiki, click on one of the portal links below. This site has slides, and links to videos, for many years of the Embedded Linux Conference and Japan Jamboree!
Do you want to control a standard wall outlet device with your microcontroller, but don’t want to mess with the high-voltage wiring? The IoT Power Relay is a controllable power relay equipped with four outputs that help you create an Internet of Things project with safe, reliable power control. With the IoT Power Relay you can easily control the power going to a device with an Arduino, Raspberry Pi or other single-board computer or microcontroller. It provides an alternative to the Power Switch Tail.
The IoT Power Relay is designed to allow you to safely control an outlet device that operates at 3--48VDC or 12--120VAC. Each IoT Power Relay features a single input (from the included C13 power cable) to four outputs: one normally on, one always on, and two normally off. The durable SPDT control relay is rated at 30/40A, for 400,000 operations.
used and NOS industrial and electronic parts
Open parts for Ham Radio station
My source for Coax and Coax jumpers
The Antenna Farm is a distributor of two way radios, antennas, coax cables, coax connectors and related accessories. Many police and fire departments, EMS companies, public service organizations as well as the average consumer rely on us for a wide variety of high quality two-way radio products from industry leading brands.
Having been in business for over 20 years, The Antenna Farm has developed a wealth of expertise and experience in the two-way radio industry and is always happy to help our customers choose the best equipment for their particular needs and budgets.
Since 1988, we have been developing and manufacturing high-frequency components and devices for well-known industrial companies, research institutions and ham radio operators. High Frequency components for industry and research.
TINKERplate is the first Pi-Plate that is fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi HAT standard. With this design, we have borrowed features from our other products and squeezed them down onto this tiny form factor. And like all Pi-Plates, you can increase the number of available I/O ports by stacking up to eight TINKERplates.
On 10/10/2023, Debian Bookworm was released for the Raspberry Pi. This OS has a number of new features that improve the GUI as well as some behind the scenes improvements. One change however, is going to be a little painful for users of Python. Specifically, any code that uses a library added via the pip utility has to be executed inside a virtual environment. While the reasons for doing this are valid (see PEP 668 for more details), the solution is somewhat draconian. Perhaps a more elegant solution will arrive in a later release of the OS, but until then, you can choose to either hold off upgrading to Bookworm (and stay with Bullseye) or to do the following:
USBView is a small GTK application to show what the device tree of
the USB bus looks like. It shows a graphical representation of the
devices that are currently plugged in, showing the topology of the
USB bus. It also displays information on each individual device on
the bus.
The goal of this article is to illustrate the potential for cool applications when software is combined with custom hardware. I will provide a brief introduction to USB and how communication with a custom device can be used to create an annoying gadget.
This is about "what I know thing", and I can be wrong about what I'll show you specially in this article. If you find out that I'm wrong please let me know so we can discuss it further.
This is my second article, and it about how to monitor URB (USB Request Block) which is used by USB device driver. Honestly, I do not know exactly how USB protocol work, well, in fact I got this idea when I try to understand how to write USB driver. If you want to know exactly how this protocol work, please take a look at official USB "specification maintainer". The basic idea is the same as my previous article but this time with little bit variation.
Australia's Largest range of Electronic Kits and Components for the Radio Experimenter
SMD, SMT, BGA, QFN & PCB Soldering & De-Soldering Rework & Repair Preheating, Dispensing Solutions
Premium Forced Convection Hot Air Reflow Soldering & Preheating Equipment & Supplies & Fume Extraction. The World's Very 1st & Only Modular Benchtop Solutions. You Can Build Up As Your PCB Needs Grow. Ideal for Labs!
Industrial LED Digital Timers, Clocks, Stopwatches, & more
This talk presents the hidden risks of managing identities and access in a multi-cloud environment. We will expose access flaws and misconfigurations that attackers can easily abuse to gain access to confidential and sensitive information. We will discuss the inner workings of each cloud provider's Identity and Access Management (IAM) layers and highlight the differences between each cloud service. We then detail how inconsistent entitlements across cloud resources and services can lead to unintended access and how accountability confusion in the shared responsibility model can enable privilege escalation.
Archives of Ham Radio Magazine
A variety of new and used vintage and hard to find radio components for home brew projects including:
Bruce Daisley was previously Twitter's most senior employee outside of the United States, in his role of Vice President across Europe, Middle East and Africa. He joined the company in 2012 having previously run YouTube UK at Google. He has also worked in the magazine publishing and radio industries having got his first break by mailing a cartoon resume of his life to prospective employers. Bruce's passion for improving work led to him creating the podcast Eat Sleep Work Repeat on making work better. It became a number 1 smash in the UK (also hitting the business top 10 in the US).
The Joy of Work: 30 Ways to Fix Your Work Culture and Fall in Love with Your Job Again was the UK’s bestselling business hardback of 2019 and is now available as a paperback. The book has been translated into 13 languages and longlisted for Business Book of the Year 2020 and CMI Management book of the year 2020.
List of Broadcast, Fixed Broadcast, Studio-Transmitter Links (Feeders), Remote Pickup & Relay stations 25 - 87.5 MHz.
Figure R3 of 47 CFR 73.190 of the Commission’s Rules contains a map of the estimated effective ground conductivity in the United States. This data is used to predict the propagation of AM signals across the United States. A higher ground conductivity indicates better AM propagation characteristics. The map shows that the ground conductivity in the U.S. ranges between 0.5 and 30 millimhos (or millisiemens) per meter. The conductivity of seawater is 5,000 millimhos per meter, resulting in the best propagation of AM signals.
Figure R3 of 47 CFR 73.190 of the Commission’s Rules contains a map of the estimated effective ground conductivity in the United States. This data is used to predict the propagation of AM signals across the United States. A higher ground conductivity indicates better AM propagation characteristics. The map shows that the ground conductivity in the U.S. ranges between 0.5 and 30 millimhos (or millisiemens) per meter. The conductivity of seawater is 5,000 millimhos per meter, resulting in the best propagation of AM signals.
I make no claims for technical accuracy, good design, or necessarily even originality for the contents of these pages. Rather, I am a simple enthusiast attempting to convey my love and enjoyment of radio, electronics, and computing and perhaps to inspire YOU to build something too. The following pages document projects that I have built over a period of 30 years. Wherever applicable I have named sources and references.
Radio Hobbyist’s Designbook or RHdb (for short) was designed to guide you into design of
electronics apparatus that relates to radio. It assumes you know something about electronics
but you can skip Chapters which cover familiar subjects. Mathematics needed in design is down
to simple algebra and trigonometry. Topics cover the frequency spectrum of DC through VHF.
You must supply the brainpower. But RHdb can be your main reference, a guidance toreaching
your personal hobby goal. RHdb is written in a sort of Reader’s Digest format: Short and
to-the-point, covering things simply with a minimum of words. Grouping is in 5 sections as
givenbelow with a synopsis of Chapters
How to self host various services
Simple & Free Wiki Software
BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organizing and storing information.
A self-hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family.
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts.
Baïkal is a lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server. It offers an extensive web interface with easy management of users, address books and calendars. It is fast and simple to install and only needs a basic php capable server. The data can be stored in a MySQL or a SQLite database.
Baïkal allows to seamlessly access your contacts and calendars from every device. It is compatible with iOS, Mac OS X, DAVx5 on Android, Mozilla Thunderbird and every other CalDAV and CardDAV capable application. Protect your privacy by hosting calendars and contacts yourself - with Baïkal.
FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator.
It is lightweight, easy to work with, powerful, and customizable.
A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents.
Paperless-ngx is a document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper.
Paperless-ngx forked from paperless-ng to continue the great work and distribute responsibility of supporting and advancing the project among a team of people
A painless self-hosted Git service.
Privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine / pronunciation sɜːks.
A state of the art disk pooling application with file duplication.
Combines multiple physical hard drives into one large virtual drive.
Stores everything in standard NTFS (or ReFS) files.
Lets you designate any folder as a duplicated folder.
In case one drive fails, your duplicated files remain safe.
Easily select which disks will be used to store files in any folder.
Speed up your pool by placing performance sensitive files on SSDs.
Seamlessly encrypt and store some or all of your pooled files in the cloud.
Mistborn is your own virtual private cloud platform and WebUI that manages self hosted services, and secures them with firewall, Wireguard VPN w/ PiHole-DNSCrypt, and IP filtering. Optional SIEM+IDS. Supports 2FA, Nextcloud, Jitsi, Home Assistant,
There are around 300 operations in CyberChef allowing you to carry out simple and complex tasks easily. Here are some examples:
Decode a Base64-encoded string
Convert a date and time to a different time zone
Parse a Teredo IPv6 address
Convert data from a hexdump, then decompress
Decrypt and disassemble shellcode
Display multiple timestamps as full dates
Carry out different operations on data of different types
Use parts of the input as arguments to operations
An unscripted, spur of the moment talk touching a little on how Sporadic E works and how you can use 6m WSPR to find high MUF Sporadic E paths.
From Ars Technica
Today, tech archivist Jason Scott announced a new website called Discmaster that lets anyone search through 91.7 million vintage computer files pulled from CD-ROM releases and floppy disks. The files include images, text documents, music, games, shareware, videos, and much more. The files on Discmaster come from the Internet Archive, uploaded by thousands of people over the years. The new site pulls them together behind a search engine with the ability to perform detailed searches by file type, format, source, file size, file date, and many other options.
Discmaster is the work of a group of anonymous history-loving programmers who approached Scott to host it for them. Scott says that Discmaster is "99.999 percent" the work of that anonymous group, right down to the vintage gray theme that is compatible with web browsers for older machines. Scott says he slapped a name on it and volunteered to host it on his site. And while Scott is an employee of the Internet Archive, he says that Discmaster is "100 percent unaffiliated" with that organization.
One of the highlights of Discmaster is that it has already done a lot of file format conversion on the back end, making the vintage files more accessible. For example, you can search for vintage music files -- such as MIDI or even digitized Amiga sounds -- and listen to them directly in your browser without any extra tools necessary. The same thing goes for early-90s low-resolution video files, images in obscure formats, and various types of documents. "It's got all the conversion to enable you to preview things immediately," says Scott. "So there's no additional external installation. That, to me, is the fundamental power of what we're dealing with here."
"The value proposition is the value proposition of any freely accessible research database," Scott told Ars Technica. "People are enabled to do deep dives into more history, reference their findings, and encourage others to look in the same place."
"[Discmaster] is probably, to me, one of the most important computer history research project opportunities that we've had in 10 years," says Scott. "It's not done. They've analyzed 7,000 and some-odd CD-ROMs. And they're about to do another 8,000."
The original AirBoss was made by my Grandfather (KR4LO) in order to help ham radio operators deploy their antennas over tall trees. I, the Grandson, have taken over the production of the AirBoss. Olah Technologies LLC will continue to bring you the AirBoss and other innovations.
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WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News", compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel
Fiberglass Preformed Shapes, Fiberglass Masts, RF Connectors and Adapters, Vacuum Capacitors, Vacuum Relays, Bristol Wrench Tools, RF Components & more! Max-Gain Systems offers fiberglass preformed shapes, Fiberglass Marine Products, Fiberglass Antenna Products, Fiberglass Connecting/adapting products and accessories, RF Communications components including: RF connectors and adapters, variable vacuum capacitors, fixed vacuum relays, and an ever expanding array of surplus items. We also carry Bristol Wrench spline and hex tools.