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- 2016-04-12
- AWS CLI Hacks
- AWS CLI S3 Notes
- AWS CloudFormation
- About Me
- Amazon Web Services a.k.a AWS
- Archiving and digitizing paper
- Articulate and get what you need
- Best Practices
- Cellular Phone Robocalls, telemarketing and annoying calls and scams
- Certificates
- Clifton Turner's RX320 and DB320 Programs
- Courses I teach
- Difference between coder, programmer, developer and engineer
- Docbook notes
- Documentation
- Documents and Presentations
- Ebook readers
- Eclipse 2017
- Engineering
- Entertainment
- Farm and Garden - Florida
- Food preservation
- Goals 2010 example
- Ham Radio, Hardware and Electronics
- Ham radio digital voice modes
- Ham radio repeaters in Central Florida
- Hamburger steak with onion gravy
- Hardware
- Hector Peraza's rx320 program for Linux
- Hector Peraza's rx320 program for Linux compiling from source
- How I work
- Hurricane Isaias 2020
- Interests
- Journal
- Journal and Blog
- Journaling
- Kevin's AWS CloudFormation Notes
- Kevins Values System Decision Matrix
- Large file transfers across wide area networks
- Leadership
- Life Plan
- Linux - Disk investigation
- Linux - Software RAID and Mirrors
- Linux - how to monitor live connections
- Linux CPU Monitoring and Tuning
- Linux Disk and Storage Monitoring and Tuning
- Linux HOWTO's
- Linux HOWTO's - Disk storage
- Linux HOWTO's - Monitoring
- Linux Hardening
- Linux High Availability and Clustering
- Linux Memory and swap Monitoring and Tuning
- Linux Network Monitoring and Tuning
- Linux Timezones
- Linux kernel performance and reliability monitoring and tuning
- Linux operating system
- Living
- Main Page
- Mediawiki Info
- My Kindle app notes
- My Recommended Git Workflow
- My quest for an open firmware handheld public safety scanner receiver
- My thoughts on migrating away from using Google
- News Dashboard
- Notes about syncing data to S3 storage
- Personal task tracking
- Platforms
- Radio monitoring logs
- Radios, Police scanners, transceivers, receivers, ham radios and radio monitoring equipment
- Recipes
- Recipes - Meat dishes
- S3-parallel-put Notes
- S3cmd
- Secure and encrypted note taking
- Self Contained Notes Repository Manager
- Setting up vsftpd on Linux
- Sharpe's Rifles
- Smart Cellular telephones
- Software I have written
- Software and Operating Systems
- Spoofing DNS
- Start your own legal pirate radio station
- Sun StorEDGE 3510
- Sun and Oracle hardware notes
- TLS 1.2
- TV shows I like
- Tablets
- Technical achievements and skills for Kevin P Inscoe
- Ten-Tec RX-320 and RX-321 LW/HF receiver radio technical notes
- Ten-Tec radios hardware technical notes
- Test page
- Time Management
- Troposphere
- Troubleshooting large file transfers across wide area networks
- US Navy Pinecastle Bombing Range Complex
- Unix for Busy People
- Unix for Busy People - File and disk management and locating files
- Unix for Busy People - File systems, files, directories and devices
- Unix for Busy People - Introduction
- Unix for Busy People - Logging in, Secure Shell and the Network
- Unix for Busy People - Logins, Jobs and Process
- Unix for Busy People - Users, superusers, groups, su and sudo
- Using two-way radios at theme parks for non-Ham Radio consumers
- Weather
- Why I don't generally recommend using a swapfile in cloud based Linux environments
- Working with S3
- Writing
- ZFS on Linux in AWS